Folding python code in Emacs


  • I use python in my every-day work and I’m starting to use (and love) Emacs.
  • I use vimish-folding package to fold code in Emacs. It allows you to define your own foldings and remembers them for the next time you open the file.
  • Comming from vim I miss having my functions and classes folded out-of-the-box.
  • Unfortunately you don’t have that in vimish-folding, but it’s easy to implemented a function to do just that: Fold every code-block in your buffer.

The Function#

;; Fold code-blocks in python
(defun fold-python-blocks ()
  "Fold all code blocks in python"
  (forward-word) ; start with the second word
  (setq p (point))
  (while (forward-word)
    (setq col (current-column))
    (if (= col 0)
	  (setq p1 (car (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word)))
	  (vimish-fold p p1)
	  (setq p p1)
	  (goto-char p)
  (vimish-fold p (buffer-size))
  (goto-char 1))

You can use the previous function by typing M-x fold-python-blocks. This will fold each code block in your file, including code out of functions and classes, for instance, after a sentence of the style: #+BEGIN_SRC python if name == “main”: #+END_SR